Professional mold remediation


Mold mitigation refers to the process of removing mold from a home or building in order to prevent further contamination and potential health hazards. When it comes to tackling a mold problem, homeowners and building owners have two options: hire a professional mold remediation company or attempt to remove the mold themselves.

Here are some pros and cons of each option:

Professional Mold Mitigation Pros:

  • Professional mold remediation companies have the expertise and specialized equipment to safely and effectively remove mold from your home or building.
  • They follow industry-standard protocols to ensure that the mold is thoroughly removed and the area is properly disinfected.
  • If the mold problem is extensive or the cause of the mold is not immediately apparent, professionals can conduct an assessment to determine the source of the problem and recommend a course of action.
  • Professional mold remediation companies often offer a guarantee for their work, so you can have peace of mind that the problem has been properly addressed.

Professional Mold Mitigation Cons:

  • Hiring a professional mold remediation company can be expensive.
  • You may have to wait for an available appointment, especially if the problem is urgent.

DIY Mold Mitigation Pros:

  • Doing the work yourself can save you money compared to hiring a professional.
  • You can take care of the problem on your own schedule, rather than waiting for a professional company to have an available appointment.

DIY Mold Mitigation Cons:

  • Removing mold can be a difficult and time-consuming task, especially if the problem is extensive.
  • If you don’t have experience with mold remediation, it can be easy to miss hidden pockets of mold or to not properly disinfect the area, which can lead to the problem returning in the future.
  • Without the proper equipment, you may not be able to effectively remove the mold, or you may expose yourself to hazardous spores.
  • If you don’t properly address the cause of the mold, it is likely to return in the future.

In conclusion, while DIY mold mitigation can be a cost-effective option, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. If you are not confident in your ability to properly and safely remove the mold, it may be worth it to hire a professional. On the other hand, if the problem is minor and you are confident in your abilities, DIY mold mitigation may be a viable option.

Trusted Mold Removal & Inspection Professionals

Expertly trained & certified professionals with years of experience to offer you honest consulting

A division of Blu Cleaning, we pride ourselves in taking an honest and transparent consultative approach.  Our technicians are certified and will assess each individual case based on it’s requirements.  Mold is not one size fits all and as a result, it requires experts who are trained in understanding what is required to solve  your specific situation.

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4628 W Lawrence Ave Chicago, IL 60630 US

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